
Jimmie Shahan
Re: Indy IdHL7 Component

Re: Indy IdHL7 Component

Jimmie Shahan wrote:
> Does anyone have a demo project using the IdHL7 Componet supplied in 
> Indy 9 that they would be willing to share?  Please send any sample code 
> to ✉

Hi Jimmie

I wrote that unit, but I don't have any easy to extract use of it - all deeply embedded in other products.
these are the dunit tests:
unit IdHL7Tests;
uses    TestFramework,    IdHL7;
type    TIdHL7Tests = class(TTestCase)    Private      FDelay: Integer;      procedure MessageReply(Sender: TObject; Msg: String; var VHandled: Boolean; var Reply: String);    Protected      procedure Setup; Override;    Published      procedure TestNoConnectionServer;      procedure TestNoConnectionClient;      procedure TestConnection;      procedure TestConnectionLimit;      procedure TestSyncForwards;      procedure TestSyncBackwards;      procedure TestSyncForwards1000;      procedure TestSyncBackwards1000;      procedure TestSingleThread;      procedure TestSingleThreadTimeout;    end;
uses    {$IFNDEF VER140}    Windows,    {$ENDIF}    SysUtils;
const    TEST_PORT = 20032; // err, we hope that this is unused
   { TIdHL7Tests }
procedure TIdHL7Tests.Setup; begin    FDelay := 0; end;
procedure TIdHL7Tests.MessageReply(Sender: TObject; Msg: String; var VHandled: Boolean; var Reply: String); begin    VHandled := True;    if FDelay <> 0 then      begin      sleep(FDelay);      end;    reply := Msg + 'Return'; end;
procedure TIdHL7Tests.TestNoConnectionServer; var    LHl7: TIdHL7; begin    LHL7 := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);    try      LHL7.Address := '';      LHL7.Port := TEST_PORT; // hopefully this is not listening      LHL7.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;      LHL7.IsListener := False;      Check(LHl7.Status = isStopped, 'Status not stopped when stopped');      LHL7.start;      Check(LHl7.Status = isNotConnected, 'Status not connecting when should be connecting');      sleep(2000);      Check(LHl7.Status = isNotConnected, 'Status not connecting when should be connecting');      sleep(2000);      Check(LHl7.Status = isNotConnected, 'Status not connecting when should be connecting');      sleep(2000);      Check(LHl7.Status = isNotConnected, 'Status not connecting when should be connecting');    finally      FreeAndNil(LHL7);      end; end;
procedure TIdHL7Tests.TestNoConnectionClient; var    LHl7: TIdHL7; begin    LHL7 := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);    try      LHL7.Address := '';      LHL7.Port := TEST_PORT; // hopefully this is not listening      LHL7.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;      LHL7.IsListener := False;      Check(LHl7.Status = isStopped, 'Status not stopped when stopped');      LHL7.start;      Check(LHl7.Status in [isNotConnected, isConnecting, isWaitReconnect], 'Status not connecting when should be connecting');      sleep(2000);      Check(LHl7.Status in [isNotConnected, isConnecting, isWaitReconnect], 'Status not connecting when should be connecting');      sleep(2000);      Check(LHl7.Status in [isNotConnected, isConnecting, isWaitReconnect], 'Status not connecting when should be connecting');      sleep(2000);      Check(LHl7.Status in [isNotConnected, isConnecting, isWaitReconnect], 'Status not connecting when should be connecting');    finally      FreeAndNil(LHL7);      end; end;
procedure TIdHL7Tests.TestConnection; var    LIn: TIdHL7;    LOut: TIdHL7; begin    LIn := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);    try      LIn.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;      LIn.Port := TEST_PORT;      LIn.IsListener := True;      LIn.OnReceiveMessage := MessageReply;      LIn.Start;      LOut := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);      try        LOut.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;        LOut.IsListener := False;        LOut.Address := 'localhost';        LOut.Port := TEST_PORT;        LOut.Start;        LIn.WaitForConnection(2000);        Check(LIn.Connected and LOut.Connected);        LOut.PreStop;        LOut.Stop;      finally        FreeAndNil(LOut);        end;      LIn.PreStop;      LIn.Stop;    finally      FreeAndNil(LIn);      end; end;
procedure TIdHL7Tests.TestConnectionLimit; var    LIn: TIdHL7;    LOut, LOut2: TIdHL7; begin    LIn := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);    try      LIn.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;      LIn.ConnectionLimit := 1;      LIn.Port := TEST_PORT;      LIn.IsListener := True;      LIn.OnReceiveMessage := MessageReply;      LIn.Start;      LOut := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);      try        LOut.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;        LOut.Address := 'localhost';        LOut.Port := TEST_PORT;        LOut.IsListener := False;        LOut.Start;        LIn.WaitForConnection(2000);        LOut2 := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);        try          LOut2.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;          LOut2.Address := 'localhost';          LOut2.Port := TEST_PORT;          LOut2.IsListener := False;          LOut2.Start;          sleep(500);
         Check(LIn.Connected and LOut.Connected and not LOut2.connected);          LOut2.PreStop;          LOut2.Stop;        finally          FreeAndNil(LOut2);          end;
       LOut.PreStop;        LOut.Stop;      finally        FreeAndNil(LOut);        end;      LIn.PreStop;      LIn.Stop;    finally      FreeAndNil(LIn);      end; end;
procedure TIdHL7Tests.TestSyncForwards; var    LIn: TIdHL7;    LOut: TIdHL7;    LMsg: String; begin    LIn := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);    try      LIn.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;      LIn.Port := TEST_PORT;      LIn.OnReceiveMessage := MessageReply;      LIn.IsListener := True;      LIn.Start;      LOut := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);      try        LOut.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;        LOut.IsListener := False;        LOut.Address := 'localhost';        LOut.Port := TEST_PORT;        LOut.Start;        LIn.WaitForConnection(2000);        check(LOut.SynchronousSend('test', LMsg) = srOK);        check(LMsg = 'testReturn');        LOut.PreStop;        LOut.Stop;      finally        FreeAndNil(LOut);        end;      LIn.PreStop;      LIn.Stop;    finally      FreeAndNil(LIn);      end; end;
procedure TIdHL7Tests.TestSyncBackwards; var    LIn: TIdHL7;    LOut: TIdHL7;    LMsg: String; begin    LIn := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);    try      LIn.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;      LIn.Address := 'localhost';      LIn.Port := TEST_PORT;      LIn.IsListener := True;      LIn.OnReceiveMessage := MessageReply;      LIn.Start;      LOut := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);      try        LOut.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;        LOut.IsListener := False;        LOut.Port := TEST_PORT;        LOut.Start;        LIn.WaitForConnection(2000);        check(LIn.Connected, 'in not connected');        check(LOut.Connected, 'Out not connected');        LOut.CheckSynchronousSendResult(LOut.SynchronousSend('test', LMsg), LMsg);        check(LMsg = 'testReturn', 'Msg returned was wrong ("' + LMsg + '")');        LOut.PreStop;        LOut.Stop;      finally        FreeAndNil(LOut);        end;      LIn.PreStop;      LIn.Stop;    finally      FreeAndNil(LIn);      end; end;
procedure TIdHL7Tests.TestSyncForwards1000; var    LIn: TIdHL7;    LOut: TIdHL7;    LMsg: String;    i: Integer; begin    LIn := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);    try      LIn.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;      LIn.Port := TEST_PORT;      LIn.OnReceiveMessage := MessageReply;      LIn.IsListener := True;      LIn.Start;      LOut := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);      try        LOut.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;        LOut.IsListener := False;        LOut.Address := 'localhost';        LOut.Port := TEST_PORT;        LOut.Start;        LIn.WaitForConnection(2000);        for i := 0 to 1000 do          begin          check(LOut.SynchronousSend('test' + IntToStr(i), LMsg) = srOK);          check(LMsg = 'test' + IntToStr(i) + 'Return');          end;        LOut.PreStop;        LOut.Stop;      finally        FreeAndNil(LOut);        end;      LIn.PreStop;      LIn.Stop;    finally      FreeAndNil(LIn);      end; end;
procedure TIdHL7Tests.TestSyncBackwards1000; var    LIn: TIdHL7;    LOut: TIdHL7;    LMsg: String;    i: Integer; begin    LIn := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);    try      LIn.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;      LIn.Address := 'localhost';      LIn.Port := TEST_PORT;      LIn.IsListener := True;      LIn.OnReceiveMessage := MessageReply;      LIn.Start;      LOut := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);      try        LOut.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;        LOut.IsListener := False;        LOut.Port := TEST_PORT;        LOut.Start;        LIn.WaitForConnection(2000);        for i := 0 to 1000 do          begin          check(LOut.SynchronousSend('test' + IntToStr(i), LMsg) = srOK, 'Message failed to be sent');          check(LMsg = 'test' + IntToStr(i) + 'Return', 'Message was wrong (expected "test' + IntToStr(i) + 'Return", got "' + LMsg + '")');          end;        LOut.PreStop;        LOut.Stop;      finally        FreeAndNil(LOut);        end;      LIn.PreStop;      LIn.Stop;    finally      FreeAndNil(LIn);      end; end;
procedure TIdHL7Tests.TestSingleThread; var    LIn: TIdHL7;    LOut: TIdHL7;    LMsg: String;    LResult: TSendResponse; begin    LIn := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);    try      LIn.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;      LIn.Port := TEST_PORT;      LIn.IsListener := True;      LIn.OnReceiveMessage := MessageReply;      LIn.Start;      LOut := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);      try        LOut.CommunicationMode := cmSingleThread;        LOut.Address := 'localhost';        LOut.IsListener := False;        LOut.Port := TEST_PORT;        LOut.Start;        LOut.WaitForConnection(2000);        LOut.SendMessage('testsinglethread');        repeat          sleep(20);          LResult := LOut.GetReply(LMsg);        until LResult <> srNone;        check(LResult = srOK, 'Status is wrong');        check(LMsg = 'testsinglethreadReturn', 'Did not recieve message from responder');        check(LOut.GetReply(LMsg) = srError, 'Status is wrong');      finally        FreeAndNil(LOut);        end;    finally      FreeAndNil(LIn);      end; end;
procedure TIdHL7Tests.TestSingleThreadTimeout; var    LIn: TIdHL7;    LOut: TIdHL7;    LMsg: String;    LResult: TSendResponse; begin    FDelay := 2000;    LIn := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);    try      LIn.CommunicationMode := cmSynchronous;      LIn.Port := TEST_PORT;      LIn.IsListener := True;      LIn.OnReceiveMessage := MessageReply;      LIn.Start;      LOut := TIdHL7.Create(NIL);      try        LOut.CommunicationMode := cmSingleThread;        LOut.Address := 'localhost';        LOut.IsListener := False;        LOut.Port := TEST_PORT;        LOut.TimeOut := 50;        LOut.Start;        LOut.WaitForConnection(2000);        LOut.SendMessage('testsinglethread');        repeat          sleep(20);          LResult := LOut.GetReply(LMsg);        until LResult <> srNone;        check(LResult = srTimeout, 'Status is wrong');        check(LMsg = '', 'received message in error');      finally        FreeAndNil(LOut);        end;    finally      FreeAndNil(LIn);      end; end;
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