Delphi and C++Builder Newsgroup Archive

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Latest Changes on this Web Site

02-Mar-2022: Import of newsgroup articles.

14-Mar-2021: Changed googlebot handling for more uptime for humans.

05-Nov-2020: Imported 109k messages from Embarcadero Jive Forums.

Search all Delphi, C++Builder and related newsgroup content from 1997 to 2024

This site enables you to quickly search 2,118 public newsgroups across 63 servers that have content specific to Embarcadero Delphi, C++Builder and Interbase plus all third party components and related products.

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Thank you for using Code News Fast, and please feel free to send feedback to the webmaster.

Whose News is Searchable Here?

Active newsgroup hosts: Delphi JEDI,, HREF Tools, NexusDB, Yahoo Groups, (New articles from these hosts are imported as frequently as possible.)

Powered by the Rubicon Search Engine

Rubicon is a component-based search engine for Delphi and C++Builder. Rubicon runs all the searches on this site.

Rubicon v4 supports database access components provided by Embarcadero (ADO, FireDAC, IBExpress) plus third party database bridges including FireDAC, ElevateDB, IBObjects, NexusDB, UniDAC. Supports many recent Delphi and C++Builder compilers.

FREE Rubicon Lite v4.070 available as of February-2022
--> Rubicon Showcase video for Delphi 11 with FireDAC and SQLite

Originally created by
Tamarack Associates
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 05:23:19 UTC
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HREF Tools Corp.