"Luigi Sandon" wrote in message news:✉forums.codegear.com...
> Because I can't see what direction Delphi is taking *really*, I have issue > to decide what to do. .... > I don't know, and I am forced to plan defensively, because the risk is > getting too high for us. > > Maybe if you divulge too little too late, sales tank too, because you > really ask for a "faith" that > wasn't supported by "miracles" in the recent years.
I agree. If they dont give out an appropriate level of information about where the product is going, they face a more real risk of people having no choice but look elsewhere. If someone wanted to start a project that they'd like to eventually make available for the mac or linux... do they use delphi, and wager their business on whether or not Embarc can deliver a mac version... or do they use C++, which they know would work today? Without any real time frames or implementation info, they arent *helping* their customers to stay with them.