
Out of memory Exception when using large StringStream.DataString inD2009

Out of memory Exception when using large StringStream.DataString inD2009

I have to read large text-files (> 100 MB) into memory, scan the content and update a database.

I use TFileStream to read the data, then copying the filestream to a stringstream for better string handling. If I seek a substring in Stringstream.DataString, I get an "Out-of-memory-Exception" if the size of the Stream exceeds 200 MB (it worked well with a size <= 136 MB and crashed with a size >= 280 MB).

I'm working with D2009, Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit), Windows-Server 2008 R2 

the filestream (fs) and the stringstream (strstrm) are private class variables of the TDLHI_Main class.

Here the code: 

function TDLHI_Main.ImportKompendium(var MsgList: TListBox; var PrgrssBar: TProgressBar; FileName : string): string;
  i : integer; 
  Result := ''; 
  fs := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead + fmShareDenyWrite); 
  strstrm := TStringStream.Create(''); 
  strstrm.CopyFrom(fs, fs.Size); 
i := pos ('<OK_ERROR>', strstrm.DataString); *// ==> And on the this line, I get the out-of-memory-exception!*

It's interesting, to get the exception on the "pos"-Statement and not as I expected on the copying of the stream.

In D2007, it worked well; in D2009 I get this error on the mentioned Windows-platforms (I didn't try to run it on other windows-versions)

Thx for all hints. 
FYI: Phrase searches are enclosed in either single or double quotes
Originally created by
Tamarack Associates
Sun, 06 Oct 2024 01:44:26 UTC
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HREF Tools Corp.