



ich sitze nun seit 2 Tagen an meheren Problemen mit der Komponente "TLMDSimplePropInspector".
Mein erstes Problem ist, dass immer ein Published Property weniger angezeigt werden als meine Klasse hat.
Viel grösser ist das Problem, dass ich nach Bearbeitung eines CollectionItem nicht mehr in den "normal" Inspektor zurück gelange.
Was muss ich tuen?
Bitte um schnelle Hilfe, da ich verzweifele....
Hier der entrechende Teil des Source:

unit omsoConfigApp;
uses   Windows,   Messages,   SysUtils,   Variants,   Classes,   Graphics,   Controls,   ExtCtrls,   ComCtrls,   Forms,   Dialogs,   omsoTools,   omsoBaseDialog,   xpPanel,   xpPages,   TypInfo,   DB,   Grids,   XMLDoc,   XMLIntf,   DCPcrypt2,   DCPblockciphers,   DCPblowfish,   DCPmd5,   LMDTypes,   LMDInsPropEditors,   LMDCustomComponent,   LMDCustomParentPanel,   LMDCustomPanelFill,   LMDPanelFill,   LMDControl,   LMDCustomControl,   LMDCustomPanel,   LMDCustomBevelPanel,   LMDCustomStatusBar,   LMDStatusBar,   LMDGraphicControl,   LMDBaseMeter,   LMDCustomProgress,   LMDProgress,   LMDBaseControl,   LMDBaseGraphicControl,   LMDBaseLabel,   LMDCustomLabel,   LMDLabel,   LMDSimplePanel,   LMDInsPropPage,   LMDInsPropInsp,   LMDDsgObjects,   LMDDsgPropInsp;
type   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------   TConfigSection = class(TCollectionItem)   private     F0Dummy : WideString;
    FSectionName : WideString;     FServerName : WideString;     FDatabaseName : WideString;     FUserName : WideString;     FuserPWD : WideString;   public     procedure Assign (Source : TPersistent); override;
    property _0Dummy : WideString read F0Dummy write F0Dummy ;   published     property SectionName : WideString read FSectionName write FSectionName ;     property ServerName : WideString read FServerName write FServerName ;     property DatabaseName : WideString read FDatabaseName write FDatabaseName ;     property UserName : WideString read FUserName write FUserName ;     property UserPWD : WideString read FUserPWD write FUserPWD ;   end;
  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------   TConfigSections = class(TOwnedCollection)   private     function GetItem (Value: Integer ) : TConfigSection;     procedure SetItem (Value: Integer; xConfig: TConfigSection);   protected   public     constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent; AItemClass: TCollectionItemClass);     destructor Destroy ;
    function AddConfig (SectionName : WideString = '';                               ServerName : WideString = '';                               DatabaseName : WideString = '';                               UserName : WideString = '';                               UserPWD : WideString = ''): TConfigSection;
    property Items ;     property Item[i: Integer] : TConfigSection read GetItem write SetItem; default;   published   end;
  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------   TConfigBase = class(TObject)   private     FApp0Dummy : WideString ;
    FAppAutor : WideString ;     FAppTitle : WideString ;     FAppComment : WideString ;   public     constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent);     destructor Destroy ;
  published     property app0Dummy : WideString read FApp0Dummy write FApp0Dummy ;
    property appAutor : WideString read FAppAutor write FAppAutor ;     property appTitle : WideString read FAppTitle write FAppTitle ;     property appComment : WideString read FAppComment write FAppComment ;   end;
  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------   TConfigXML = class(TControl)   private     { Private-Deklarationen }     FConfigBase : TConfigBase ;     FConfigSections : TConfigSections;   protected     { Protected-Deklarationen }   public     { Public-Deklarationen }     propNames : TStringList;
    FileNameXML : WideString;     StreamXML : TStringStream;
    FileNamePWD : WideString;     StreamPWD : TStringStream;
    Password : String ;     UseEncryption : Boolean ;
    constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override;     destructor Destroy ; override;
    procedure XMLLoadFromFile ;     procedure XMLDecrypt ;     procedure XMLToProperties ;
    procedure XMLFromProperties ;     procedure XMLEncrypt ;     procedure XMLSaveToFile ;
  published     { Published-Deklarationen }     property ConfigBase : TConfigBase read FConfigBase write FConfigBase ;     property ConfigSections : TConfigSections read FConfigSections write FConfigSections;   end;
  TomsoConfigAppForm = class(TomsoBaseDialogForm)     propi : TLMDSimplePropInspector;
    procedure FormCreate (Sender: TObject);     procedure FormShow (Sender: TObject);     procedure FormClose (Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);     procedure FormDestroy (Sender: TObject);   private     { Private-Deklarationen }   public     { Public-Deklarationen }   end;
var   configXML : TConfigXML;
{$R *.dfm}
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Klasse TConfigSection //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TConfigSection.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin   if Source is TConfigSection then begin     FSectionName := TConfigSection(Source).FSectionName;     FServerName := TConfigSection(Source).FServerName;     FDatabaseName := TConfigSection(Source).FDatabaseName;     FUserName := TConfigSection(Source).FUserName;     FUserPWD := TConfigSection(Source).FUserPWD;   end else begin     inherited Assign(Source);   end; end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Klasse TConfigSections //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- constructor TConfigSections.Create(AOwner: TComponent; AItemClass: TCollectionItemClass); begin   inherited Create(AOwner, AItemClass); end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- destructor TConfigSections.Destroy; begin   inherited Destroy; end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TConfigSections.GetItem(Value: Integer): TConfigSection; begin   Result := TConfigSection(Items[Value]); end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TConfigSections.SetItem(Value: Integer; xConfig: TConfigSection); begin   TConfigSection(Items[Value]).Assign(xConfig); end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TConfigSections.AddConfig(SectionName : WideString;                                    ServerName : WideString;                                    DatabaseName : WideString;                                    UserName : WideString;                                    UserPWD : WideString): TConfigSection; begin   Result := TConfigSection(Add);
  Result.SectionName := SectionName ;   Result.ServerName := ServerName ;   Result.DatabaseName := DatabaseName;   Result.UserName := UserName ;   Result.UserPWD := UserPWD ; end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Klasse TConfigBase //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- constructor TConfigBase.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin   inherited Create;
  FAppAutor := '1';   FAppTitle := '2';   FAppComment := '3'; end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- destructor TConfigBase.Destroy; begin   inherited Destroy; end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Klasse TConfigXML //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- constructor TConfigXML.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin   inherited Create(AOwner);
  Password := '190202' ;   UseEncryption := True ;
  propNames := TStringList.Create ;
  FileNameXML := 'omsoConfig.xml' ;   StreamXML := TStringStream.Create;
  FileNamePWD := 'omsoConfig.config' ;   StreamPWD := TStringStream.Create;
  FConfigBase := TConfigBase.Create (self);   propnames.Add('ConfigBase' );   propnames.Add('AppAutor' );   propnames.Add('AppTitle' );   propnames.Add('AppComment' );
  FConfigSections := TConfigSections.Create (self, TConfigSection);   propnames.Add('ConfigSections' );   propnames.Add('SectionName' );   propnames.Add('ServerName' );   propnames.Add('DatabaseName' );   propnames.Add('UserName' );   propnames.Add('UserPWD' ); end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- destructor TConfigXML.Destroy; begin   FreeAndNil(propNames );
  FreeAndNil(StreamXML );   FreeAndNil(StreamPWD );
  FreeAndNil(FConfigSections );   FreeAndNil(FConfigBase );   inherited; end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public Proceduren der Klasse TConfigXML //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TConfigXML.XMLLoadFromFile; var   fileStream : TFileStream; begin   try     fileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileNamePWD, fmOpenRead);     StreamPWD.CopyFrom (fileStream, 0);     fileStream.Free;   except   end; end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TConfigXML.XMLDecrypt; var   xCipher : TDCP_Blowfish; begin   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------   // Unverschlüsselter String gefunden!   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------   if Pos('<?xml version="1.0"', StreamPWD.DataString) > 0 then begin     StreamXML.CopyFrom(StreamPWD, 0);     Exit;   end;
  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------   // Keine Verschlüsselung gewünscht   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------   if not UseEncryption then begin     StreamXML.CopyFrom(StreamPWD, 0);     Exit;   end;
  try     StreamXML.Clear;     StreamPWD.Position := 0;
    xCipher := TDCP_Blowfish.Create(Self);     xCipher.InitStr(Password, TDCP_MD5);     xCipher.DecryptStream(StreamPWD, StreamXML, StreamPWD.Size);     xCipher.Burn;     xCipher.Free;   except   end; end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TConfigXML.XMLToProperties; var   sPath : String ;   xDocBase : IXMLNode;
  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------   function _IsProperty(xObject: TObject; sSuchName: WideString): Boolean;   var     TempList : PPropList ;     iPropCount : Integer ;     i,j : Integer ;     sPropName : WideString;   begin     Result := False;
    iPropCount := GetPropList(xObject.ClassInfo, [tkUnknown , tkInteger, tkChar , tkEnumeration, tkFloat,                                                   tkString , tkSet , tkClass , tkMethod , tkWChar,                                                   tkLString , tkWString, tkVariant, tkArray , tkRecord,                                                   tkInterface, tkInt64 , tkDynArray], nil);
    GetMem(TempList, iPropCount * SizeOf(Pointer));
                  GetPropList(xObject.ClassInfo, [tkUnknown , tkInteger, tkChar , tkEnumeration, tkFloat,                                                   tkString , tkSet , tkClass , tkMethod , tkWChar,                                                   tkLString , tkWString, tkVariant, tkArray , tkRecord,                                                   tkInterface, tkInt64 , tkDynArray], TempList);
    for i := 0 to iPropCount - 1 do begin       sPropName := TempList[i]^.Name;       Result := (sPropName = sSuchName);       if Result then begin         Break;       end;     end;
    FreeMem(TempList);   end;
  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------   procedure _loadProperties(xObject: TObject; xDocBase: IXMLNode);   var     xNode : IXMLNode ;
    TempList : PPropList ;     iPropCount : Integer ;     i,j,k : Integer ;
    sPropName : WideString;     sValue : WideString;     AClass : TClass ;     AObj : TObject ;
    iIndex : Integer ;
    xNodeSecS : IXMLNode ;     xNodeSec : IXMLNode ;
    sNodeSecS : WideString;     sNodeSec : WideString;
    xSecS : TConfigSection;   begin     iPropCount := GetPropList(xObject.ClassInfo, [tkUnknown , tkInteger, tkChar , tkEnumeration, tkFloat,                                                   tkString , tkSet , tkClass , tkMethod , tkWChar,                                                   tkLString , tkWString, tkVariant, tkArray , tkRecord,                                                   tkInterface, tkInt64 , tkDynArray], nil);
    GetMem(TempList, iPropCount * SizeOf(Pointer));
                  GetPropList(xObject.ClassInfo, [tkUnknown , tkInteger, tkChar , tkEnumeration, tkFloat,                                                   tkString , tkSet , tkClass , tkMethod , tkWChar,                                                   tkLString , tkWString, tkVariant, tkArray , tkRecord,                                                   tkInterface, tkInt64 , tkDynArray], TempList);
    for i := 0 to iPropCount - 1 do begin       sPropName := TempList[i]^.Name;       sValue := '';
      iIndex := configXML.propNames.IndexOf(sPropName);       if iIndex = -1 then begin         Continue;       end;
      case PropType(xObject, sPropName) of       tkClass : begin                         AClass := GetObjectPropClass(xObject, TempList[i]);                         AObj := GetObjectProp (xObject, TempList[i], AClass);                         if Assigned(AObj) then begin                           if AOBj is TConfigSections then begin                             sPath := sPath + sPropName + '/';
                            xNode := XMLGetNodeFromNode(xDocBase, sPath);                             if Assigned(xNode) then begin                               if xNode.HasChildNodes then begin                                 TConfigSections(AObj).Clear;
                                for j := 0 to xNode.ChildNodes.Count -1 do begin                                   xNodeSecS := xNode.ChildNodes.Nodes[j];                                   sNodeSecS := xNodeSecS.LocalName;
                                  if xNodeSecS.HasChildNodes then begin                                     xSecS := TConfigSections(AObj).AddConfig(sNodeSecS);                                     for k := 0 to xNodeSecS.ChildNodes.Count -1 do begin                                       xNodeSec := xNodeSecS.ChildNodes.Nodes[k];                                       sNodeSec := xNodeSec.LocalName;                                       SetPropValue(xSecS, sNodeSec, xNodeSec.Text);                                     end;
                                  end;                                 end;                               end;                             end;
                          end else begin                             sPath := sPath + sPropName + '/';                             _loadProperties(AObj, xDocBase);                             sPath := StrTran(sPath, sPropName + '/', '');                           end;                         end;                       end;       else begin              xNode := XMLGetNodeFromNode(xDocBase, sPath + sPropName);              if Assigned(xNode) then begin                sValue := xNode.Text;              end;            end;       end;
      if sValue <> '' then begin         SetPropValue(xObject, TempList[i]^.Name, sValue);       end;     end;
    FreeMem(TempList);   end;
begin   sPath := '';
  xDocBase := XMLGetDocFromStream(StreamXML);   _loadProperties(self, xDocBase); end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TConfigXML.XMLFromProperties; var   slXML : TStringList ;   iLevel : Integer ;
  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------   function Tab(iAnzahl: Integer): string;   var     i: Integer;   begin     Result := '';     for i := 0 to iAnzahl do begin       Result := Result + #9;     end;   end;
  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------   procedure _saveProperties(xObject: TObject);   var     TempList : PPropList ;     iPropCount : Integer ;     i, j : Integer ;     sSpace : String ;
    sPropName : WideString;     sValue : WideString;     AClass : TClass ;     AObj : TObject ;
    iIndex : Integer ;
    sPropSec : WideString;     iLevelSec : Integer ;     sSpaceSec : WideString;   begin     iPropCount := GetPropList(xObject.ClassInfo, [tkUnknown , tkInteger, tkChar , tkEnumeration, tkFloat,                                                   tkString , tkSet , tkClass , tkMethod , tkWChar,                                                   tkLString , tkWString, tkVariant, tkArray , tkRecord,                                                   tkInterface, tkInt64 , tkDynArray], nil);
    GetMem(TempList, iPropCount * SizeOf(Pointer));
                  GetPropList(xObject.ClassInfo, [tkUnknown , tkInteger, tkChar , tkEnumeration, tkFloat,                                                   tkString , tkSet , tkClass , tkMethod , tkWChar,                                                   tkLString , tkWString, tkVariant, tkArray , tkRecord,                                                   tkInterface, tkInt64 , tkDynArray], TempList);
    sSpace := Tab(iLevel);
    for i := 0 to iPropCount - 1 do begin       sPropName := TempList[i]^.Name;       sValue := '';
      iIndex := configXML.propNames.IndexOf(sPropName);       if iIndex = -1 then begin         Continue;       end;
      case PropType(xObject, sPropName) of       tkClass : begin                         AClass := GetObjectPropClass(xObject, TempList[i]);                         AObj := GetObjectProp (xObject, TempList[i], AClass);
                        if Assigned(AObj) then begin                           slXML.Add(sSpace + '<' + sPropName + '>');
                          if AOBj is TConfigSections then begin                             for j := 0 to TConfigSections(AObj).Count - 1 do begin                               iLevelSec := iLevel + 1;                               sSpaceSec := Tab(iLevelSec);
                              sPropSec := TConfigSection(TConfigSections(AObj).Items[j]).FSectionName;                               slXML.Add(sSpaceSec + '<' + sPropSec + '>');
                              Inc(iLevel, 2);                               _saveProperties(TConfigSections(AObj).Items[j]);                               Dec(iLevel, 2);
                              slXML.Add(sSpaceSec + '</' + sPropSec + '>');                             end;
                          end else begin                             Inc(iLevel);                             _saveProperties(AObj);                             Dec(iLevel);                           end;
                          slXML.Add(sSpace + '</' + sPropName + '>');
                        end;                       end;       else sValue := GetPropValue(xObject, TempList[i]^.Name, True);       end;
      if sValue <> '' then begin         slXML.Add(sSpace + '<' + sPropName + '>' + sValue + '</' + sPropName + '>');       end;     end;
    FreeMem(TempList);   end;
begin   iLevel := 0;   slXML := TStringList.Create;
  slXML.Add('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>');   slXML.Add('<ConfigItems>');   _saveProperties(self);   slXML.Add('</ConfigItems>');
  StreamXML.Clear;   slXML.SaveToStream(StreamXML, TEncoding.UTF8);
  FreeAndNil(slXML ); end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TConfigXML.XMLEncrypt; var   xCipher : TDCP_Blowfish; begin   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------   // Keine Verschlüsselung gewünscht   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------   if not UseEncryption then begin     StreamPWD.CopyFrom(StreamXML, 0);     Exit;   end;
  try     StreamPWD.Clear;     StreamXML.Position := 0;
    xCipher := TDCP_Blowfish.Create(Self);     xCipher.InitStr(Password, TDCP_MD5);     xCipher.EncryptStream(StreamXML, StreamPWD, StreamXML.Size);     xCipher.Burn;     xCipher.Free;   except   end; end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TConfigXML.XMLSaveToFile; var   fileStream : TFileStream; begin   try     FileMove (FileNamePWD, FileNamePWD + '.bak');     fileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileNamePWD, fmCreate );     fileStream.CopyFrom (StreamPWD, 0);     fileStream.Free;
    if UseEncryption then begin       FileMove (FileNameXML, FileNameXML + '.bak');       fileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileNameXML, fmCreate );       fileStream.CopyFrom (StreamXML, 0);       fileStream.Free;     end;   except   end; end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TomsoConfigAppForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin   inherited;   // end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TomsoConfigAppForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin   inherited;   configXML := TConfigXML.Create(self);   configXML.ConfigSections.AddConfig('Config1', 'Server', 'Database', 'Username', 'UserPWD');   configXML.ConfigSections.AddConfig('Config2', 'Server', 'Database', 'Username', 'UserPWD');   configXML.ConfigSections.AddConfig('Config3', 'Server', 'Database', 'Username', 'UserPWD');   configXML.ConfigSections.AddConfig('Config4', 'Server', 'Database', 'Username', 'UserPWD');
  propi.Objects.Clear;   propi.Objects.SetOne(configxml); end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TomsoConfigAppForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin   inherited;   // end;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TomsoConfigAppForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin   inherited;   configXML.Free; end;
FYI: Phrase searches are enclosed in either single or double quotes
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Tamarack Associates
Fri, 01 Nov 2024 02:38:13 UTC
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HREF Tools Corp.