In article <3b7cf1bc_2@dnews>, ✉ says...
> > Most arbitrary exception specifications will be useless > "useless" maybe a little harsh.
Well, I meant that we dont have so much freedom when defining useful exceptional behavior. For example, here is an arbitrary - and useless - exception behavior :
function Factorial(N : Integer); begin case N of 0: Result := 1; 1: raise EFactorial.Create(1); 2: Result := 2; 3: raise EFactorial.Create(6); 4: Result := 24; 5: Result := 120; 6: raise EFactorial.Create(720); ... else raise EFactorialOutOfRange.Create(N); end; end;
> So learning to integrate code from other people has to > be part of your "bag'o'tricks".
Sure. Not much freedom is still much enough to generate clashes.
--- Raoul