
Dominique Willems
Re: What do you think about this

Re: What do you think about this

"Dominique Willems" <namewithdot at google> skrev i meddelelsen 
> vikosh maha wrote:
>> The team is working to surface native controls for FireMonkey on each
>> platform. Then developers will have the choice to use vector drawn
>> components in their projects across all platforms – or to choose to
>> have native controls on each specific platform. More to come when
>> additional FireMonkey capabilities are completed.
> This existed in the original VGScene library under the name
> TNonVGLayout. You placed this layout on your form and connected a VCL
> component to it. It would then rotate, scale, etc., just like a native
> VG component (IIRC).
> This was over two years ago, btw. Glad to see we're retrograding to the
> future!

Its not exactly the same I suspect.
The NonVGLayout thingy constantly copied the graphical surface of the 
component, to be able to rotate etc. The original component still floated 
around on the form, but was made invisible.

It wasnt a very clean way to do thing, and I hope that what they work on would be _true_ native components, that are only rotateable/scalable if they indeed themself are able to do so.

-- best regards
Kim Madsen TeamC4D
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