
Samuel Aeschbacher
Re: Out of memory Exception when using large StringStream.DataString inD2009

Re: Out of memory Exception when using large StringStream.DataString inD2009

> {quote:title=Samuel Aeschbacher wrote:}{quote}
> Hello 
> I have to read large text-files (> 100 MB) into memory, scan the content and update a database. 
> I use TFileStream to read the data, then copying the filestream to a stringstream for better string handling. 
> If I seek a substring in Stringstream.DataString, I get an "Out-of-memory-Exception" if the size of the Stream exceeds 200 MB (it worked well with a size <= 136 MB and crashed with a size >= 280 MB). 
> I'm working with D2009, Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit), Windows-Server 2008 R2 
> the filestream (fs) and the stringstream (strstrm) are private class variables of the TDLHI_Main class. 
> Here the code: 
> function TDLHI_Main.ImportKompendium(var MsgList: TListBox; var PrgrssBar: TProgressBar; FileName : string): string; 
> var 
>   i : integer; 
> begin 
>   Result := ''; 
>   fs := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead + fmShareDenyWrite); 
>   strstrm := TStringStream.Create(''); 
>   strstrm.CopyFrom(fs, fs.Size); 
>   fs.Free; 
>   i := pos ('<OK_ERROR>', strstrm.DataString); *// ==> And on the this line, I get the out-of-memory-exception!* 
> It's interesting, to get the exception on the "pos"-Statement and not as I expected on the copying of the stream. 
> In D2007, it worked well; in D2009 I get this error on the mentioned Windows-platforms (I didn't try to run it on other windows-versions) 

Your text file is converted to unicode and it holds twice as data now. since you were
using Delphi 2007 before, I suspect that your text file is not unicode.
Instead of TStringStream try this class (I haven't fully tested it but it should work)


  TRawStringStream = class(TBytesStream)   private     function GetDataString: RawByteString;   public     constructor Create; overload;     constructor Create(const AString: RawByteString); overload;     constructor Create(const ABytes: TBytes); overload;     function ReadString(Count: Longint): RawByteString;     procedure WriteString(const AString: RawByteString);     property DataString: RawByteString read GetDataString;   end;
constructor TRawStringStream.Create; begin   Create(''); end;
constructor TRawStringStream.Create(const AString: RawByteString); begin   inherited Create(BytesOf(AString)); end;
constructor TRawStringStream.Create(const ABytes: TBytes); begin   inherited Create(ABytes); end;
function TRawStringStream.GetDataString: RawByteString; begin   if Size = 0 then Result := ''   else     begin      SetLength(Result, Size);      Move(Bytes[0], Result[1], Size);     end; end;
function TRawStringStream.ReadString(Count: Integer): RawByteString; begin   if Count > Size - Position then Count := Size - Position;   if Count = 0 then Result := ''   else     begin      SetLength(Result, Count);      Move(Bytes[Position], Result[1], Count);      Position := Position + Count;     end; end;
procedure TRawStringStream.WriteString(const AString: RawByteString); var   LBytes: TBytes; begin   LBytes := BytesOf(AString);   Write(LBytes[0], Length(LBytes)); end;
Also you cannot use Pos like you used to because it will also trigger Unicode conversion. You have to declare RawByteString variable and assign it before calling Pos function.

var substr: RawByteString;

..... substr := '<OK_ERROR>'; i := pos (substr, strstrm.DataString);
Dalija Prasnikar
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