
Samuel Aeschbacher
Re: Out of memory Exception when using large StringStream.DataString inD2009

Re: Out of memory Exception when using large StringStream.DataString inD2009

> {quote:title=Remy Lebeau (TeamB) wrote:}{quote}
> <Dalija Prasnikar> wrote in message news:✉
> > Actually, it would be the best if you skip using any kind of
> > string stream and load string directly.
> There are three problems with that code:
> 1) you are using RawByteString, but you are not specifying any codepage for 
> it.
> 2) you need to use TStream.ReadBuffer() instead of TStream.Read() to ensure 
> the entire string is read.
> 3) if Size is -1, but the TStream does not have anything left to read, you 
> allocate a 0-length String (thus the String is nil) but then dereference it, 
> which will crash.
> Try this instead:
> {code:delphi}
> function RawStringLoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; Size: Integer = -1): 
> RawByteString;
> begin
>   if Size = -1 then Size := Stream.Size - Stream.Position;
>   if Size <= 0 then Result := ''
>   else
>   begin
>     SetLength(Result, Size);
>     Stream.ReadBuffer(Result[1], Size);
>     SetCodePage(Result, SomeCodePageHere, False);
>   end;
> end;
> {code}


Dalija Prasnikar
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Tamarack Associates
Sun, 06 Oct 2024 01:46:19 UTC
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