I have a Delphi 7 project that prints to a plastic card printer using the
Printers.pas unit and calling "BeginDoc". I have updated to the latest
driver for the newer model printer and I've also tried using Windows 2000
and Windows XP to see if Windows was part of the issue but it isn't. When
"BeginDoc" is called using the old plastic card printer it works, but using
the newer model (and corresponding new driver), I get this error when
"BeginDoc" is called: "exception class EPrinter....Printer Selected is not
Valid". Specifically, the line causing the failure (see "printers.pas" code
below) is "if DC - 0 then RaiseError(SInvalidPrinter);
if Assigned(CreateHandleFunc) then
with TPrinterDevice(Printers.Objects[PrinterIndex]) do
DC := CreateHandleFunc(PChar(Driver), PChar(Device), PChar(Port),
if DC = 0 then RaiseError(SInvalidPrinter);
if FCanvas <> nil then FCanvas.Handle := DC;
State := Value;
Off-the-shelf card design software prints with no problems using the new
card printer.
Is it more likely that my issue is with the driver or with Delphi? Does
anyone have a solution or workaround that I could try.
Thanks in advance for reading and for your help.