> I can't see the first of the marked entry in Comwatch at that time. There i > can see the command 2 seconds later, immediatly before (a few ms) the second > command. The command does not get send. I think there is a error in the > chain putchar, writecom, writebuf and writesocket.
>>0008.106 Dispatch WriteCom 00000009 ?N1#[00][00][00][E1][00] >>This is the first command >>0010.195 Dispatch WriteCom 00000009 ?N1#[00][00][00][E1][00] >>This is the second command, which was sent after a Timeout of 2 >>seconds.
Is your application setting in a loop after you send the first command shown here?
The TApdWinsockPort component does work differently in serial and winsock modes. There are additional threads for serial operation. If you are setting in a loop (or doing sleep) that might stop your program when using winsock.
-- Regards, Paul Breneman - TurboPower support links