
Tony de la Lama
Re: Introduction - Tony de la Lama

Re: Introduction - Tony de la Lama

Yogi Yang wrote:

> Can't you adopt FPC 64Bit for this?

FPC for some of your low level and business logic is one "in the
meantime" choice.  In some ways it depends on what you are trying to
do.  Drivers are one thing.  if memory size is another - some customers
have used memory caching, some have compressed strings in memory, some
have tokenized much-used data, some have extended ClientDataSet.

> I don't have any details about your software and how it works but
> just my idea! Can't you develop a 64Bit DLL using FPC what will work
> as in-between between your application and the 64Bit drivers. Of
> course you will have to decided on how to handle data transfer
> between these two.

Right on.  Interprocess communication under Windows is one way to talk
between 32 and 64 bit processes.

Ultimately, we will deliver 64 bit compilers for Delphi and C++.
-- David Intersimone "David I" Vice President of Developer Relations and Chief Evangelist Embarcadero Technologies SkypeID: davidi99 Email: ✉
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Originally created by
Tamarack Associates
Wed, 04 Dec 2024 18:56:07 UTC
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HREF Tools Corp.