<Nguyen Diep> wrote in message news:✉forums.embarcadero.com...
> Do you see an "ICMP destination unreachable (Port unreachable)" > sent back on receiving a SNMP trap ? This means your IdSNMP > was not listening on port 162
That is exactly the bug that has been fixed now.
> You must set the property snmp.BoundPort = 162 so that it is > listening on this port and can process snmp trap meassage.
That will bind all outbound SNMP requests to local port 162 as well, instead of local port 161 as before. TIdSNMP has been fixed to use both ports now (TIdSNMP has a separate TrapPort property, afterall - it just was not previoiusly using it for anything). As such, you need to update your code accordingly:
{code:delphi} procedure TfrmMain.bbtStartClick(Sender: TObject); begin snmp.TrapPort := 162; // <-- do not use BoundPort for traps! ... end; {code}
-- Remy Lebeau (TeamB)