
Lukas Gradl
Re: TwwDBRichEdit - Several Questions

Re: TwwDBRichEdit - Several Questions

You can use SelAttributes to insert formatted text.  See for more on this TCustomRichEdit property.

You could also try creating this unit and using these functions...
unit RTFProcs;
uses Windows, ComCtrls, Classes;
type  TEditStreamCallBack = function (dwCookie: Longint; pbBuff: PByte;cb: Longint; var pcb: Longint): DWORD; stdcall;
 TEditStream = record   dwCookie: Longint;   dwError: Longint;   pfnCallback: TEditStreamCallBack; end;
procedure GetRTFSelection( aRichEdit: TCustomRichEdit; intoStream: TStream );
procedure PutRTFSelection( aRichEdit: TCustomRichEdit; sourceStream: TStream);
procedure InsertRTF(aRichEdit:TCustomRichEdit; s : String);
procedure CopyRTF(aSource, aDest:TCustomRichEdit);
procedure AppendRTF(aRichEdit:TCustomRichEdit; s : String);
uses RichEdit, Messages;
function EditStreamInCallback(dwCookie: Longint; pbBuff: PByte; cb: Longint; var pcb: Longint): DWORD; Stdcall; var   theStream: TStream;   dataAvail: LongInt; begin   theStream := TStream(dwCookie);   with theStream do     begin       dataAvail := Size - Position;       Result := 0;       if dataAvail <= cb then         begin           pcb := Read(pbBuff^, dataAvail);           if pcb <> dataAvail then             result := DWord(E_FAIL);         end       else         begin           pcb := Read(pbBuff^, cb);           if pcb <> cb then             result := DWord(E_FAIL);         end;     end; end;
function EditStreamOutCallback(dwCookie: Longint; pbBuff: PByte; cb: Longint; var pcb: Longint): DWORD; stdcall; var theStream: TStream; begin   theStream := TStream(dwCookie);   with theStream do     begin       if cb > 0 then         pcb := Write(pbBuff^, cb);       Result := 0;     end; end;
procedure GetRTFSelection( aRichEdit: TCustomRichEdit; intoStream: TStream ); var editstream: TEditStream; begin   with editstream do     begin       dwCookie:= Longint(intoStream);       dwError:= 0;       pfnCallback:= EditStreamOutCallBack;     end;   aRichedit.Perform( EM_STREAMOUT, SF_RTF or SFF_SELECTION, longint(@editstream)); end;
procedure PutRTFSelection( aRichEdit: TCustomRichEdit; sourceStream: TStream); var editstream: TEditStream; begin   with editstream do     begin       dwCookie:= Longint(sourceStream);       dwError:= 0;       pfnCallback:= EditStreamInCallBack;     end;   aRichedit.Perform( EM_STREAMIN, SF_RTF or SFF_SELECTION,   longint(@editstream)); end;
procedure InsertRTF(aRichEdit:TCustomRichEdit; s : String); var aMemStream: TMemoryStream; begin   if Length(s) > 0 then     begin       aMemStream := TMemoryStream.Create;       try         aMemStream.Write(s[1],length(s));         aMemStream.Position := 0;         PutRTFSelection( aRichEdit, aMemStream );       finally         aMemStream.Free;       end;     end; end;
procedure CopyRTF(aSource, aDest:TCustomRichEdit); var aMemStream: TMemoryStream; begin   aMemStream := TMemoryStream.Create;   try     GetRTFSelection(aSource, aMemStream );     aMemStream.Position := 0;     PutRTFSelection(aDest, aMemStream );   finally     aMemStream.Free;   end; end;
procedure AppendRTF(aRichEdit:TCustomRichEdit; s : String); var start, length, eventmask : integer; begin  eventmask := SendMessage(aRichEdit.Handle,EM_SETEVENTMASK,0,0);  SendMessage(aRichEdit.Handle,WM_SETREDRAW,0,0);  start := aRichedit.SelStart;  length := aRichEdit.SelLength;  aRichEdit.SelLength := 0;  aRichEdit.SelStart := System.Length(aRichEdit.Text);  InsertRTF(aRichEdit,s);  aRichEdit.SelStart := start;  aRichEdit.SelLength := length;  SendMessage(aRichEdit.Handle,WM_SETREDRAW,1,0);  InvalidateRect(aRichEdit.Handle,nil,true);  SendMessage(aRichEdit.Handle,EM_SETEVENTMASK,0,eventmask); end;

"Lukas Gradl" <✉> wrote in message
> On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 01:55:41 +0930, Raymond Kennington
> <✉> wrote:
> >When pasting/inserting setting SelStart, SelLength := 0 and then setting
SelText works.
> >
> >Raymond Kennington
> setting SelText only works with plain text, I want to insert formatted
> Text.
FYI: Phrase searches are enclosed in either single or double quotes
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