
TwwDBRichEdit - Several Questions

(overview of excerpts from articles in conversation)

Newsgroup: woll2woll.products.infopower

# Lines
wrote on 25-Sep-2002:

Raymond Kennington replied on 25-Sep-2002:

When pasting/inserting setting SelStart, SelLength := 0 and then setting SelText works.
  Raymond Kennington
  Lukas Gradl wrote:

Lukas Gradl replied on 25-Sep-2002:

Raymond Kennington replied on 26-Sep-2002:

The Microsoft RichEdit control (via its DLL) does not have a function that does this. On
      the MS site an article titled "About Rich Edit Controls" indicates the functionality for
      each version of richedit control and together with the WinAPI Rich Edit Messages indicates
      what's possible.
      RichEdit components wrap the MS control. These could add extra functionality, but with
Paul replied on 26-Sep-2002:

You can use SelAttributes to insert formatted text. See for more on this TCustomRichEdit property.
      You could also try creating this unit and using these functions...
      unit RTFProcs;
Raymond Kennington replied on 26-Sep-2002:

Paul wrote:

Are these provided in IP3000 and 4000?
        Raymond Kennington
Paul replied on 26-Sep-2002:

No, I believe these are from a unit provided by Peter Below or someone else
          in a newsgroup. But they are general routines.
          I will see if some could be added. I was just seeing if Lukas could see if
          the behavior is any different, and then let me know.
Lukas Gradl replied on 26-Sep-2002:

Paul replied on 27-Sep-2002:

The ruler is part of the popup dialog. Unfortunately that is not accessible
          for the standalone editor.

FYI: Phrase searches are enclosed in either single or double quotes
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